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Mexican Sunflower (Tithonia diversifolia)

Mexican Sunflower is not the usual street lawn.

So far, we only know that the Mexican Sunflower is just a wild plant that grows on the side of the road and interfere with vision.

Plants that we called 'Bungo Busuak' in my villages has many benefits.
Mexican Sunflower contains elements of insecticides and nematicides.
In the village Mexican Sunflower is used for making compost, pest repellent as food crops and livestock.

Research from Guizin Zhaodan colleagues from the School of Pharmacy, Second Military Medical University, China, reveals the efficacy of this Tithonia.
All parts of the plant except the root Tithonia diversifolia proven to lower blood sugar levels significantly.

Additional research by Toshihira Miura and colleagues from Departemenet of Clinical Nutrition, suzuka University of medical Science, Japan, reported similar results.

Mexican Sunflower contains saponins, polyphenols and flavonoids.
In addition to leaves, seeds Mexican Sunflower also reliably cope with diabetes.
People use the leaves for compost.

Mexican Sunflower is also widely used by herbalists therapist to cleanse the toxins in the blood such as sediment sugar causes diabetes, cholesterol causes fatty deposits, acne and boils.

In Taiwan, people use Mexican Sunflower as an herbal anti-diabetic and anti-virus, while in Kenya Mexican Sunflower used to treat digestive disorders.

While in Nigeria, the locals use this plant for malaria drugs, liver and strep throat.

Lien Chai Chiang and colleagues from the Department of Microbiology, College of Medicine, College of Pharmacy, Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan reveal water extract Mexican Sunflower is able to suppress the development of Herpes Simplex virus HSV-1 and HSV-2 with IC50 value of 100 mg / ml.

IC50 is the concentration levels that can inhibit the growth of virus by 50%.

Another solution herbal for diabetes


Medicinal plants are native to Indonesia's cultural heritage. Medicinal plants are used to treat diseases based on experience referred to as herbal medicine. Herbal medicine as a traditional medicine has some advantages that is reasonably priced, has a lower chemical formulations that are safer to use, and treat directly to the root of the disease.
Indonesia is rich in medicinal plants and one of the medicinal plants that can be used for the treatment of diseases that insulin leaf plant that has the scientific name Tithonia diversifolia. This plant leaves to be used as a herbal medicine used paitan because it tastes very bitter. Jamu paitan leaves Tithonia is believed to cure dangerous disease diabetes mellitus. Substances in the leaves of Tithonia can lower blood sugar content. Because of the usefulness of this plant is dubbed as insulin leaf.

Diabetics in Indonesia continues to experience a surge from year to year. Number of diabetics in Indonesia today reached 8,000,000 people and is the fourth in the world (based on statistical data diabetics WHO) after China, India, and the United States. If not taken seriously is estimated at 22 million Indonesian population will have diabetes in 2030.
Diabetes is not a new disease but has been around since 1552 BC. Name of diabetes mellitus was given by a writer named Aretaeu in 200 BC. Diabetes mellitus means of continuous flow and that means making it known as the sweet urine disease maning. Diabetes mellitus is caused due to a decrease in the hormone insulin produced by the pancreas gland. A decrease in the hormone insulin resulting sugar is consumed the body can not be perfectly processed, so the sugar levels in the blood increase. Normal blood sugar levels are <110 mg / dl during fasting or <140 mg / dl 2 hours after a meal. Said to suffer from disease when blood glucose levels> 126 mg / dl during fasting or> 200 mg / dl 2 hours after a meal.

Diabetes mellitus is divided into two types of diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes is a condition in which insulin produced less or nothing at all. Diabetes mellitus type 1 is found in those young and old child's genetic makeup. Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a condition in which the body is able to produce insulin but the hormone receptor to the hormone insulin does not work properly. Diabetes mellitus type 2 is mostly caused due to obesity, sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating patterns. The traits - traits a person has diabetes mellitus, namely:1. The reduction of weight without cause2. The frequency of urination increases3. Blurred vision3. Frequent thirst4. Fatigue and lack of energy
Plant leaves of insulin have a scientific name Tithonia diversifolia. This plant comes from Mexico. The local name for this plant is rondo Semoyo, flower moon, wood Paik, kipait and harsaga. Most people call the plant paitan because hands will feel bitter when holding the leaves of this plant. This plant is rarely cultivated deliberately but only used as a hedge plant. These plants also grow wild in the river or courtyard. Plants are known as Mexican Sunflowe is characterized menjari leafy, woody stems with a height of 1 meter and has yellow flowers resemble sunflowers.Plant leaves of insulin is still little known by the public. Based on my observations, most people insulin plant leaves in the yard is a family of diabetics. Outside the city, this plant is popularly known as Mexican sunflower and used as antidiabetic and anti-virus community taiwan. In Kenya country this plant used to treat digestive disorders. While in Nigeria, insulin leaf plant is commonly used by the public for malaria drugs, liver, and strep throat.

scientific evidence

Research on plant leaves this insulin is not yet widely done in Indonesia. Several studies done abroad as is done by Toshihiro Miura and colleagues from the Department of Clinical Nutrition, Suzuka University of Medical Science, Japan in 2005. The research was done by giving ethanol leaf extract in rats Tithonia 2 Diabetes Mellitus who have weight 20-25 grams. The concentration of the solution used is 100 mg / kg, 500 mg / kg, and 1,500 mg / kg body weight. Used as control mice were given distilled water, 20 ml / kg. Blood sugar levels in the body were measured every week. The results showed that the blood sugar levels of rats given ethanol extract of Tithonia decreased blood sugar levels significantly. The higher the concentration of ethanol extract penuruanan higher the blood sugar levels. At concentrations of ethanol extract 1,500 mg / kg can lower blood sugar levels of mice were originally 509 ± 22 mg / dl to 340 ± 14 mg / dl to 7 hours post-treatment. While the control mice kept their blood sugar levels.

How to make herbal leaf insulin

How to make herbal leaf insulin is easy, namely:1. Take insulin 10 leaves (fresh leaves or leaves can be dried)2. Boil in 4 cups of water3. Let the stew until the remaining 3 cups4. Drink warm or cold current. Dregs leftover stew can be boiled again until translucent colors.
Leaves for healing herbs can consume 3 times daily insulin (each drink 1 cup). If the blood sugar is down the frequency of consumption of herbs can be reduced to one day and 1x 2x a day. Regularly check blood sugar levels is very important to control blood sugar. Treatment of diabetes mellitus with insulin leaf herbs should also be accompanied by a diet of sugar.
Personal experience

In February 2013, my biological mother (48 years) suffering from Type 2 Diabetes didiagnonis and treated in a private hospital in Kebumen, Central Java. Blood sugar rises until reaching 590. This figure is certainly very high and can cause a diabetic coma. Lowering of blood sugar with insulin injections performed by a doctor every 1 hour and periodic checks every 3 hours. If the blood sugar do not come down again injecting every hour as well as periodical checks every three hours and so on. In one day insulin injections can reach 16x. Treatment is very extreme in my opinion. Injecting insulin was discontinued after the blood sugar dropped to 356 and allowed an outpatient. Figures 356 course still high considering the normal blood sugar under the number 140. carb diet performed during outpatient coupled with oral medication. Three days after the outpatient checking blood sugar levels and the results are dropped to 325. This figure of course is still relatively high.During outpatient care, a lot of information about the herbal treatment of diabetes with insulin leaves. This information is obtained from friends and relatives who have diabetes. Treatment with insulin herbal leaves started to be practiced by my mother after getting insulin leaves from the herbal medicine shop in Yogyakarta. Jamu leaves 3x insulin regularly consumed in a day. On the second day started to affect change in the physical condition that tasted fresher and better. After three days the consumption of herbs leaf insulin checking blood sugar levels and the results were incredible that blood sugar levels dropped to 185. The results are very encouraging. Treatment is done routinely for two weeks until the sugar to 135. Controlling blood sugar is still being done with sugar diet and regular check blood sugar levels. Consumption of herbal leaves into 1x daily insulin to prevent the increase in blood sugar levels. During treatment with medicinal herbal leaf insulin, treatment with the doctor stopped.
Unnecessary Doubt

Personal experience is one of the many evidences cure diabetes with insulin leaf. This was evidence that the use of herbal medicines not only can be used as an alternative medicine, but it can be a promising drug of choice. My mother's case is one of many evidence of the efficacy of herbal medicine.As a citizen of Indonesia who appreciate culture, then we shall preserve herbal medicine as the nation's heritage. Society should not be afraid to consume herbal medicine for more minimal effect. Ditawarkanpun prices are much more affordable. If the herbal medicine was seen next to the eye because of the low price it is a wrong mindset. Medication is not the case but the case price benefits. Indonesia is rich in medicinal plants and herbs are very easy to find. Herbal medicine there is not also to turn off kedoteran and pharmaceutical world. Therein lies the power of herbal medicine. Working together to strengthen each other. Because the treatment is an option. And consumption of herbal remedies can be a selection of Indonesian families as well as to support Indonesia's efforts to bring Herbs For Cultural Heritage and Indonesia to the world stage through UNESCO.
source, magentanita blogspot


  1. As a sign of gratitude for how my husband was saved from diabetes , i decided to reach out to those still suffering from this.
    My husband was diagnosed of diabetes and it was really tough and heartbreaking for me because he was my all and the symptoms were terrible, he had difficulty eating, and he always complain of stomach pain and he always have frequent urination . we tried various therapies prescribed by our neurologist but none could cure him. I searched for a cure and i saw a testimony by someone who was cured and so many other with similar body problem, and he left the contact of the doctor who had the cure to diabetes . I never imagine diabetes has a cure not until i contacted him and he assured me my husband will be fine. I got the herbal medication he recommended and my husband used it and in one months he was fully okay even up till this moment he is so full of life. diabetes has a cure and it is a herbal cure contact the doctor for more info on drwilliams098675@gmail.com on how to get the medication. Thanks for reading my testimony


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