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Imagine if your hands are vital for our daily activities suddenly shaking unpalatable. Let alone write, to hold the pen it feels hard. It can happen when we are stricken with tremors. Without treatment, the disease that attacks the nerve it would disrupt the function of the body.


Tremor is shaky movements due to uncontrolled muscle contractions. Vibration frequency range of 4-12 times per second.Tremor can occur in almost all parts of the body, for example at the end of the arm or leg, waist, face, even the vocal cords.

Yet most often occur on the hands. Symptoms are most easily seen, people shaking hands when handling anything, such as a bowl of meatballs / drinking glasses.Tremors usually occur due to the aging process. However, do not rule out the possibility of this condition is also experienced by the productive age. Although not fatal, if left unchecked, tremor may worsen and cause loss of function of affected body part.


To diagnose tremor, doctors usually ask the patient to perform a series of tests such as drawing a circle. The goal is to test the ability of the patient's sensory and motor.Urine and blood tests also can help in the diagnosis, whether there are other factors that affect, for example, the influence of drugs or certain diseases. Examination using technology Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) or electromyogram may also be done as a supporter.

Who have severe tremor can reduce quality of life and causes the sufferer to depend on others. Can you imagine if the profession as a surgeon experienced tremors, there will be one piece. Doctors were forced to work until the tremor disappear fast.


Seeing the cause, tremors can arise for many reasons. "The feeling of emotions can cause tremors. People who are scared or nervous can also shaking. This includes the type of tremor physiologically normal human experience. Tremor will disappear by itself if the emotions have calmed down. said Dr. Jofizal Jannis, Sp.S, neurologist from RSCM Jakarta.

There are tremors that occur because of disease, such as tremor in patients with Parkinson's. Tremor caused by the disease can not be lost if the cause is not addressed first. Tremor includes rest tremor, the vibration occurs only when the patient is not doing anything. Conversely, if the patients were on the move, the vibration does not appear.

Other types of tremor that is an iatrogenic tremor. This tremor occurs because of the side effects of drugs.Examples of mercury poisoning that comes from cosmetics. Although it is only applied to the face, mercury can get into the bloodstream and cause symptoms of tremor.


Its exact cause is unknown essential tremor. Though this type of tremor sufferers are the most numerous. Tremor includes Action Tremormeaning that vibration will occur if the patient's activity and will disappear if the patient is at rest or no activity.

Many say that the essential tremor occurs due to genetic factors / heredity. However, until now medical experts are still looking for the exact cause of this type of tremor.


Many patients with essential tremor do not require treatment for his complaint does not disrupt the lives or lead to more serious illness. Lifestyle changes, such as adding breaks and eliminates the burden of thinking, can help reduce the symptoms of tremor.

Alcohol can trigger tremor. Other actions reduce symptoms is to avoid caffeine. The reason caffeine can increase the levels of adrenaline that causes tremors worse. Physical activity is recommended that strengthens the hands and wrists using a weight of 0.5-1 kg actuated as lifting weights.

Essential tremor can also cause social problems serious enough for the patient to feel himself useless and excluded from social life. To overcome the problem of confidence in patients, it is advisable to always support the patient.


If lifestyle changes do not reduce the symptoms of tremor, then do medical therapy (drugs). Usually therapists recommend the use of drugs such as propranolol.Yang betablocker should remember this drug is not suitable for the elderly and people with asthma, diabetes, and patients with cardiac disorders.

If it does not work in a way betablocker, can be used drugs containing primidone or valium.To be sure the use of these drugs must receive medical supervision as it can cause side effects different in each person. Especially the types of drugs containing Valium, which can lead to addiction.

Last path that can be taken is a surgical procedure known as talamotomi done to break the cycle of nerve in the brain.Talamotomi side effects that may occur are difficulty speaking and disruption of the balance. However, with increasingly advanced medical technology today, that's a side effect can be minimized, even arguably reached 0%

Often playing Video Games (Play Station)

Tremor disorders can also be experienced by children. Mainly affects children who like to play video games, play station or other games that require quick hand movement coordination.

This condition can also be experienced car drivers or people who used to handle machines that vibrate. The reason could be because of reflex or habit of pressing the buttons of intense and rapid.Tremor in children can also be caused by a variety of disorders, including family history of essential tremor, epilepsy or psychogenic movement disorders.

When you have tremor, the quality of life of children would be disrupted. Kids are no longer capable of buttoning shirts, tying shoelaces, or coloring which is usually a well-liked activity them.The easiest way to treat it is to reduce the bad habits that increase the risk of children suffering from tremors. If the frequency of playing video games is reduced, and eventually eliminated (if possible) tremor will tend to disappear. For cases like this are not usually necessary treatment or special handling.

However if the tremor to interfere with the child while holding a glass / write, handling more serious must be done. A number of drugs can be used to reduce the symptoms.The thing to remember is the side effects that can be caused by these drugs. Therefore, use of this drug should be under a doctor's supervision. Parents would also have an important role on therapy for the child.

In medical terms this is called tremor disease, for those who experience it is very important to know the cause tremors and how treatment.

Tremor disease actually cause the common shaking that affects the entire body, but the most obvious is the hand tremor. Tremor of the hands would interfere with daily activities, such as writing and using the computer.

Many people are worried and fear related to the cause tremors he experienced, jaangan worry that it is caused by brain damage or neurological disorders, such as Parkinson's.

However, it is important not to panic, because there are many other reasons why about a man could mengaami tremor. disease tremor Tremor Causes Anxiety Disorders Our bodies have a natural mechanism called the "fight or flight" is our body's way of preparing for a precarious situation, such a dangerous situation, or threatened.

It is caused by increased adrenaline in the blood stream. However, if the fight or flight mechanism continues to be driven in excess, then the person can suffer from an anxiety disorder.This shaking can cause considerable suffering, and patients may ask "Why should I be afraid?", Especially if they try to remain calm.

Low Blood Sugar

If you have not eaten for a while, or shock after a traumatic event or injury, blood sugar levels can be low, and this can cause tremors.

excess Caffeine

Caffeine acts as a stimulant, prepares the body for response "fight or flight". If you drink excessive caffeine, it will have too much energy and not be able to soothe your hand so that this could be the cause of the tremor.

Too active thyroid (hyperthyroidism)

Tremors, weight loss and fatigue are symptoms and signs that someone may have an overactive thyroid or in medical terms is referred to as hyperthyroidism, a condition in which the body's metabolism is too fast so it will quickly burn too much energy.

Physical exhaustion

Shaking in the legs can occur when a person is too much exercise or physical labor, it happened because of fatigue in the muscles. You also may feel muscle cramps and weakness.


Although many people feel relaxed after smoking, the nicotine in cigarettes can interfere with neuromuscular junction, thus causing the movement of involuntary muscle movements. This could also be the cause of the tremor.

alcohol Withdrawal

An alcohol drinkers may experience trembling hands if they stop drinking suddenly. They may also experience excessive sweating, headache, nausea and a rapid heartbeat.


Parkinson's occurs when dopamine-producing nerve dominant manage and control muscle movement become damaged. Sudden onset of tremors can occur at rest or during accidental movement.

multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a condition in which the myelin sheath that surrounds nerve becomes damaged. This will slow the nerve impulses, interfering with control of movement, and the patient may experience tremors attack.Other causes of tremor

- Damage to the brain, a brain tumor, stroke, or head injury.
- Essential Tremor. Shaking the whole body may be due to nerve damage.
- Drugs. Albuterol, commonly used to treat asthma, can lead to seizures. Other drugs, including anti-depressants and drugs stress can also cause tremors.

Tremor Disease Treatment

Tremor treatment will be tailored to the cause. There are some medications that can be used tremor. These include beta-blockers, anti-seizure medications, sedatives, Botox, and other drugs.

However, if doctors can not identify the cause of tremor when it was performed a complete physical examination, then maybe you experienced tremor disease is related to anxiety disorders. If this happens, it may be useful relaxation techniques, such as breathing exercises.

Acupuncture is another option, which has been shown to control or at least alleviate tremors in certain patients.

The following methods can also help overcome the tremors:

1. Limit alcohol intake, as this can significantly affect the central nervous system, worsening tremor disease.2. Avoid caffeine, a stimulant substances that promote the release of adrenaline in the body, which can aggravate shaking.3. A physical therapist can teach you exercises that you can do by lifting light weights in your hands to create stability in the hand and arm so as to reduce or even overcome tremor.May be useful.Source: GHS and Mediskus.com


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  2. There are several Benign essential tremor herbal treatment have been recognized that are effective for recovery of this condition. These herbal remedies are mention as: Fava Beans, Mucuna Pruriens, Lecithin, etc.... http://www.naturalherbsclinic.com/Benign-Essential-Tremor.php

  3. Home remedies and Herbal Treatment for Benign Essential Tremor that are believed to have helpful results for treatment Arnica oil, Skull Cap, Passionflower, Helichrysum Oil, Cinnamon Oil and so on. These Herbs for Benign Essential Tremor contain energetic ingredients that get better the functioning of the nervous system.

  4. Home remedies and Herbal Treatment for Benign Essential Tremor that are believed to have helpful results for treatment Arnica oil, Skull Cap, Passionflower, Helichrysum Oil, Cinnamon Oil and so on. These Herbs for Benign Essential Tremor contain energetic ingredients that get better the functioning of the nervous system.

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