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Lemon for Health and Beauty

Benefits of Lemon for Health and Beauty

If at this time, lemons are easily found anywhere, from the kitchen to the bathroom, this is not surprising. The fruit does have a lot of properties that are good for the body, especially for health and beauty. Do not be surprised, because the lemon rich in calcium, vitamin C, magnesium, and potassium, minerals and antioxidants that are good for skin health.

Lemon is a fruit that is very common and easily found in the market. Most of us like to use lemon juice for a refreshing during hot weather during the day. Few people know that the sour fruit that has a number of nutritional benefits, and can be used for many other purposes.

Lemon tree originally known to have come from Asia, with the color of the fruit is usually greenish or yellow. Lemon juice is often used to make juice drinks juice lemon lemonade or other drinks. Besides containing 6% citric acid makes sour taste, this fruit also contains vitamin C, calcium, folic acid, vitamin B5, vitamin B3, vitamin b1 and b2, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, sugar, carbohydrates, fiber , fat and protein.

The benefits of citrus Lemon

citrus Lemon contains citric acid, so the taste is very sour, but when made into juice would be helpful to establish a base in the body, so it is widely used for cooking as well as a variety of other things. Here are 40 benefits of a complete lemon, for health, beauty, hair health, as well as for domestic purposes:

Lemon or also known as lemon is a citrus varieties commonly used to mix a variety of processed foods and beverages. Lemon has the Latin name Citrus limon and belongs to the family Rutaceae. Many people mistakenly think that the same lemon with lime green, but they are different. However, both are commonly used as a mixture of ingredients for health drinks. Like lemon with warm water and honey is believed to be an herb that can be slimming.

What causes a lemon to be so beneficial to health? None other than the content contained therein. As with other citrus fruits, lemon also has a high vitamin C content. There are also the content of vitamin B5, vitamin B3, vitamin b1 and b2, folic acid, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, sugar, carbohydrates, fiber, fat and protein.

Efficacy of lemon is not only as a flavor enhancer in beverages fresh. Bright yellow citrus fruit is also beneficial for health, beauty skin, face and hair. Let's peel benefits one by one.

Lemon Benefits for Health

Before it is used widely in the world of modern medicine, our ancestors in ancient times already use lemon as ingredients to make traditional medicine to cure various diseases and health problems. Here are some benefits of lemon for health:

Lose weight

Consuming lemon juice in the morning is believed to help women to lose weight. How, to prepare a glass of warm water and add 1 tablespoon of honey and stir until blended. Take one lemon, cut into 4 pieces and squeeze the juice into warm water before, stir and drink. For maximum results, use pure honey without any added sugar.

Maintaining Dental Health

Lemon juice can help ease toothache. In addition it also efficacious in whitening teeth. You do this by regularly consuming fresh lemon juice. Consumption of lemon juice can also help heal inflammation of the gums and eliminate bad breath.

Boost Immunity

The content of vitamin C and antioxidants in the lemon is a good combination in improving the immune system (immune system). Lemon helps make the alkali in the body, to restore the body's pH balance. The imbalance of the body pH is one of the main causes of the flu and cough as a result of the body is too acidic. So if you have the flu, drink a concoction of warm water and lemon plus a little honey. Do lhawatir, lemon water is safe to eat despite the stomach is empty. It also contains flavonoids, which are also useful to fight the virus and make the body fit.

Digestion launched

For those of you who are having problems constipation, drinking lemon water in the morning can help the digestive system. Drinking lemon water in the morning can help launch small pee, cleanse the kidneys, increase rpoduksi enzyme and produce proteins to cleanse the digestive tract blockage.Drinking lemon juice with warm water in the morning will help bowel movements, so that it becomes a regular and easy. This is one particular benefit of lemon juice, and certainly can be useful when you find it difficult bowel movements. Or for those who have problems with bowel movements, it will be greatly helped by drinking this juice.

In traditional medicine, lemon is highly recognized because it can help gastric problems, helps to maintain eyesight so keen.

Breathing launched

In addition to digestion, breathing can also smooth thanks to the lemon juice in the morning. For people with asthma or allergies often have a cough, try to regularly consume warm lemon water in the morning.

Overcoming Nausea

Morning Sickness, or the morning sickness experienced by women who are pregnant. If you experience it, try to make a potion of lemon juice with warm water and honey to overcome the nausea.

Keeping Healthy Heart

The liver is a vital organ that must be really guarded his health. Lemon juice contains potassium (potassium) high can cure biliousness or symptoms of liver disorders that can cause constipation, dizziness, vomiting and loss of appetite. It also can break down gallstones and relieve fever caused by malaria.

Fighting Cancer

Cancer is a deadly disease that is feared by everyone. A study says that lemons have the ability 1000 times better in the fight against cancer compared to chemotherapy. According to some sources, there are a lot of conspiracy to bury some research on the efficacy of natural products and prefer to make a synthetic product benefits are far greater.

Lemon that has been found is to contain 22 anti-cancer compounds, including limonene functioning slows the growth of cancer tumors, and the flavonol glycosides which can halt cell division in cancer cells.

Treating Strep Throat

Infections in the throat can cause inflammation and cause pain when swallowing food. It is often accompanied by a fever and cough. The content of antibacterial in the lemon helps to overcome interference throat infection, sore throat and tonsillitis. For a sore throat, gargle with using half a glass of lemon juice.

Lowering High Blood Pressure

Lemon juice is also believed to maintain heart health and some diseases arise because of heart problems such as high blood pressure. Diets high in potassium are also believed to help relieve headaches, nausea, helps your mind and body relax, reduces stress and mental depression.

Disposing of the Body Toxins

Lemon juice has diuretic properties, is able to break down toxins in the body, uric acid. Do not be surprised Alau after consuming lemon juice you are so frequent urination. It is a process of cleansing toxins in the body. Uric acid content can help to melt gallstones, thereby helping to stimulate the liver and detoxify it.

Counteracting Free Radical

The content of vitamin C in lemons helps the body fight free radicals, preventing premature aging. Can also fight fungal infections. Lemon is also a food that is anionic (negatively charged ions with), so it is very important for the body. Vitamin C in the lemon helps to treat scabies.

treating Worms

Worms is a disease that can be dangerous if left unchecked. besides may cause anemia, sufferers also potentially malnourished. Lemon juice can help eliminate worms in the body, which causes health problems associated with worms.

Besides lemon is a very rich source of vitamin c. Vitamin C is essential to make the body immune to the virus that causes coughs and colds. It also contains flavonoids, which are also useful to fight the virus and make the body fit.

Lemon helps make the alkali in the body, to restore the body's pH balance.

Lemon juice can help to dissolve uric acid and other toxins, as well as helping to dilute the bile, thereby helping to stimulate the liver and detoxify it.

Lemon has been found as the food is the only one in the world who anionic (negatively charged ions with), so it is very important for the body.Eye disorders have recovered after taking a lemon on a regular basis.Lemons contain tengeretin skin that has been proven effective to help brain disorders such as Parkinson's disease.Lemon is known for its antibacterial properties, and can destroy the virus of malaria, cholera, diphtheria, typhoid and other bacteria.Vitamin C contained in the lemon helps strengthen blood vessels.The use of lemon also been considered in the treatment of high blood pressure.

Vitamin C in the lemon helps to treat scabies.British Navy to equip its warships with lemon juice, which is to make 1 ounce of lemon juice for each sailor every day.The citric acid in lemon helps dissolve gallstones, kidney stones and calcium deposits.

Lemon for Beauty

In the world of beauty, lemon fruit is also very familiar. Lemon fruit is often used as an ingredient for skin care, face and hair.Lemon fruit is often used as an ingredient for skin and beauty care for the face. This is because the content of vitamin C and a high antioxidant that is good for rejuvenation of the skin and ward off free radicals.

Lemon for SkinOvercoming Acne

Pimples that appear on the face sucks. Already a variety of drugs are used but appear again and again even multiply, also experienced skin irritation redness. If the conditions are like that, maybe it's time you use traditional ingredients, such as lemon to treat acne. Way, take Budd cotton and dip it in lemon juice, then apply on the face covered with acne. 

The lemon juice contains natural antiseptic that can kill germs and bacteria that cause acne.Lemon juice is also said to be effective for curing acne and acne scars. Use lemon juice freshly squeezed over acne scars (which previously had been cleaned) at night to reduce it.

Eliminating Dark Spot

Stains and black spots on the face can sometimes megganggu one's appearance, to disguise it can by using make-up. However, in order to disguise the total you need help from a lemon. Do it at night on a regular basis, within two weeks will see the results.Lemon juice lighten pins spots spots effectively. Use lemon on the spots before going to sleep at night. Follow this method for two weeks to see results.

Overcome Oily Skin

Oily skin actually has the potential to remain youthful. However, if not treated properly, oil uncontrolled and face look dull. Lemon juice can help reduce excess oil production. In addition, useful as an astringent that refreshes the skin.Lemon is a great substance, and can be used as an astringent for the skin.Lemon juice can help overcome the problem of oily skin. Using lemon juice on the skin can help dampen excessive oil on the skin.

Nail Care

Lemon juice good for nails, because the vitamin C in it can make your nails healthy and strong. To help keep your nails to be healthy, dip the nail into the bowl of lemon juice for about 10 minutes. Then proceed to soak your nails into a mixture of warm water and white vinegar. Rinse with water and see the difference on your nails.

Helps Skin Lightening

Want whiter and brighter skin? Use lemon to achieve its aspirations. Mix 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of tomato juice and 2 tablespoons milk into a bowl and apply it on the face and body. The herb is a natural bleach. Drinking hot lemon water regularly every morning to lighten the skin gradually.

Helps Skin Regeneration

The content of AHA (Alpha-Hidrocxy Acid) in lemon believed to help the process of exfoliation of dead skin cells so that the regeneration of the skin is maintained. The trick, dip cotton in the lemon water and apply evenly all over the face. let stand for 10 minutes and rinse. see the results.

Smooth the elbows and knees

Folds of skin in the area elbows and knees are usually rough and black if not treated properly. Take one lemon and cut it into two parts. Rub lemon slices had been on the elbows and knees are rough. Let stand for 10 minutes and rinse with water, and then see the results.

Shrink the pores

Large pores, orange peel makes a person difficulty in make-up. However, you can perform treatments using fresh lemon juice. First chill lemon juice in the refrigerator. Once cool, use a cotton swab dipped in the juice and apply to the face evenly. Rinse with water and apply moisturizer.

Eliminate Wrinkles face

You have problems with wrinkles? Wrinkles everywhere? Do not worry, there are lemon juice that will solve your problem. Mix one tablespoon of honey, a few tets lemon juice and almond oil. Apply on body-filled wrinkles for 15-20 minutes, then rinse.Lemon juice to make the signs of aging become less visible. Use lemon juice on the body such as elbows, knees, face, hand to get the skin smooth and disguise signs of aging.

Overcoming Dry Lips & Tableware-Tableware

Lips dry and cracked can be caused due to vitamin and mineral deficiencies, dehydration and heat in. To overcome this, take 1 tablespoon of lemon juice with 1 tablespoon of honey and mix to form a paste. Rub on the lips and leave it to dry, then rinse.

Lemon  for Hair

Such as aloe vera and lime, lemon is also useful in treating hair health. Function is more to as cleaners and fresheners. But also simultaneously strengthen.

Treatment for Damaged Hair

Lemon great for dry and damaged hair condition. Lemon juice mixed with 3/4 cup of olive oil and ½ cup pure honey will help keep free of hair damaged. Apply the mixture on your hair and cover with plastic wrap for half an hour. After 30 minutes rinse and use a mild shampoo to clean your hair.Some of inhumane treatment on the hair can cause hair to become damaged, broken, loss, dry, and so forth. To fix this, you can use lemon juice. Make a concoction with a mixture of lemon juice, 4 tablespoons olive oil and 3 tablespoons of pure honey. Apply the mixture on your hair as a natural mask. Let stand for 30 minutes and rinse with shampoo.

Overcoming Hair Loss

Lemon juice can also help overcome hair loss. The trick grab a 3/4 tbsp coconut oil and add a squeeze of lemon juice and stir well. Apply this mixture on the hair evenly. let stand for 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly using shampoo. Do it 2-3 times a week and see the results.

Overcoming Gray Hair

Hair graying comes too early, can create confidence is reduced. Young kok already graying? But do not worry, mix lemon juice with amla fruit juice. Apply on the hair and scalp, then wash them clean 30 minutes later.

Eliminating Dandruff

Dandruff is a scalp problem that can cause itching. Try to mix the lemon juice has been contrived with warm olive oil. Massage your head slowly to the lemon mixture and let stand for 15 minutes then rinse your hair with water. Do not forget to always use a conditioner after shampooing.

Other Benefits of Lemon 

In addition to health and beauty, benefits of lemon can also be felt by the mother-housewife to clean the kitchen and cooking utensils. It can also whiten clothes at removing stains.

Lemon's HouseholdCleaning Remaining Oil

When cooking, sometimes the rest of the oil-splattered everywhere, from start to cook table, stove, dining table, until other cookware. Take a lemon, then cut into two parts. Use the lemon pieces to rub the affected part of the oil stains. Continue rubbing them with a towel or washcloth to clean.

Cleaning Cutting

Cutting board or a vegetable cutter and meat can leave stubborn stains and odor despite frequent cleaning. Way, take a lemon and cut it into two parts. Rub the lemon slice on a cutting board, and then washed clean.

Refreshing Vegetables and Fruits

Fruits and vegetables that have been cut often change color to yellow / brown. This is reasonable because the oxidation process. However, you can work around this by lemon juice sprinkled on fruit or vegetables that have been cut.

Odor Eliminating Trash

When a pile of garbage began to emit an odor, you need to do is put a used lemon peel into the trash bag.

Microwave Cleaning

Boil one cup of water that is mixed with four tablespoons of lemon juice in the microwave and use the same mixture to clean the microwave.
Lemon Skin is great for cleaning the microwave oven. Sometimes the explosion of food makes a mess, and the rest of the food will stick firmly to the inner surface of the oven. Use lemon peel to clean this up.

Eliminate Stains & Whitens Clothes

Change your chlorine bleach with natural ingredients, namely lemon. Soak a cloth with a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda for an hour before washing. Lemon juice works as a mild bleach, but does not leave white scars. And of course safe for the skin.Well, that's a wide range of benefits and efficacy of lemon. 

Read also benefit other fruits such asThe trick soak some skins into a bowl of water is added, and enter it into the oven. Then turn on the microwave for 5/6 minutes at a high temperature, and boiling water will create steam that fills the microwave.Condensed steam will help soften the leftover food stuck. 

Then take the bowl carefully, then clean the inside using a towel.Sometimes on the stove, cook table, even the dinner table full of oil remaining very difficult to remove. Do not fret, this problem can be overcome by using a lemon. 

Take the fruit and cut into two parts, and one part sprinkled with salt to rub on a greasy spot. Then continue rubbing them with a clean towel.Food in the kitchen cutting board (cutting board) is often overlooked, so many bacteria living on it. Use a gentle refreshing lemon to clean cutting board. Take a lemon, cut in half, and rub it over the cutting board and rinse with water.

How to use the synergies of its traditional herb:

1. Mix 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of tomato juice and 2 tablespoons milk into a bowl and apply it on the face and body.

2. This mixture is useful as a natural bleach.

3. Lemon juice can help reduce wrinkles. To make the anti-wrinkle masks, use one tablespoon of honey, a few drops of lemon juice and almond oil, and mix these ingredients into a paste. 
Then use it on the face for 15-20 minutes before rinsing.

4. Lemon also helps to relieve chapped lips. Mix a teaspoon of fresh cream, a teaspoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey, stir into a paste. 

Use this on the lips by way of rubbing it for a week to see results.

5. Lemon can be used to make hand and body skin young and beautiful lmenjadi ore. To create this application, you need lemon juice (fresh), a teaspoon of glycerin, and a cup of milk. Combine milk and lemon juice into a small bowl, add the glycerin and mix. Apply this mixture on the body and face, then let stand for 25-30 minutes and then rinse. 

The best time to use this mixture was before sleep. For best results, use it every night for a week. It will be of great benefit in acne, scars and reduce dry skin and sun burn scars.

6. If you have freckles, then the lemon will help to alleviate it. For this purpose, prepare egg 1 egg white, 1 teaspoon lemon, also soak some almonds overnight into milk, peel and puree in the morning. Take all bahanuntuk make a mixture. Flatten this mixture on the face and let it dry for 20 minutes. Then rinse your face with water.

7. Lemon can also help whiten teeth, and to repel odors muluti. Take the lemon and cut it into two pieces, add salt and baking soda in one piece and rub it on the teeth. It will make your teeth whiter, and frees you from the problem of bad breath.

8. Stops hair loss using lemon. Take 3-4 tablespoons of coconut oil, and add the lemon juice of half portions. Apply this mixture on the hair for a week. Follow this recipe for 2-3 weeks to see results.

9. Did you know that lemon juice can be used to delay the graying of hair ?. Mix a few drops of lemon juice with amla juice and apply it on the hair every night before bed. 

Follow this way for a month continuously. This not only will inhibit graying hair, also stop hair loss.

10. Want to smooth facial skin ?, lemon is a great material for the face. Take a ripe banana, a few drops of lemon juice (fresh). Mix these two ingredients into the bowl to make a paste. Apply this on your face and let it dry, then wash with water to obtain the smooth skin.

11. Use one teaspoon of vegetable oil, and add the 1/4 or one teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply this on all the dry areas of the body such as hands, elbows, heels and other body parts. Let stand for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with water.

12. To get the beauty of the skin is dry, you can try this face pack. Prepare lemon juice, honey, and cauliflower (boiled). Take 3 teaspoons of lemon juice and 3 tablespoons of honey, put into a bowl and mix well. Now take ½ teaspoon of cabbage boiled and softened. Mix all the ingredients to make a paste and apply it on the face and neck. Let stand for 10 minutes and wash.


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