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An advice for parents

Why would I want to share with the parents?

I am sorry to see the children now. They go to school in the morning, then afternoon les until the afternoon. evening doing a homework until midnight, after that a new bed. Tomorrow they will do the same runtinitas, sometimes plus other extra activities.
Let us imagine routine of our children like that every day. They do not have time to play and get together with their families, they are busy with their own activities. Parents can not do anything, for fear their children will lose competitiveness with other children.
Sometimes because of tired and bored, they become a person who retarded, and doing negative things.

For parents who always want their children to succeed. But forcing the children to always be a winner both in terms of academic and other matters. Sometimes our children become apathetic and not independent, since their time in busy  by always learning, so sometimes they can not enjoy childhood , and adolescence them.

This quote the advice of a teacher to all of us.
Teach your children practical skills, skills that can help them provide for their families later on, for example, be a carpenter. So many university graduates with knowledge in writing, and the graduates of this poor hard to get a job at this age.

So get practical skills such as work with their own hands, not through a written theoretical knowledge alone, which does not have an actual real-world applications. Diploma is a piece of paper that does not beharga if it can not guarantee getting a job. Train children from an early age until he has practical skills, so they will never starve, they will always be needed within the community.Some parents even force their children to achieve higher education, even when they clearly do not want to do.

Not everyone should get a college degree, PhD or master, to find happiness and sustenance. Many people have the talent outside of academia, they may have the skills to find sustenance in another way, no one can improve the car, and the other has a natural talent in cooking. For women it is worthwhile to learn household skills (cooking, sewing, and others).

Most parents now husband and wife work, leaving their children with a maid or in daycare. There is no greatest happiness for parents than raising their children, love them sincerely and meet their needs. It is sad that so many parents who do not feel a wonderful life experience, just to get extra money. After a childhood of their childhood passed, it is impossible to re-establish a close bond with the child your son, because maybe you will lose them forever.

Familiarize children to do anything by themself and do not spoil them. Familiarize them to interact with people and teach them good manners.
Hopefully good advice can make our input in educating our children.

Note: Thanks for the advice of my teacher
          Hopefully knoweldge will always beneficial forever, and hopefully reward is always flowing to you. Aamiin.


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