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50 Secrets of Become a Successful People

50 Secrets of Become a Successful People

1. Decide To Become 
Achievement People 

Pursue your dreams. Make your life a masterpiece by being willing to pay the price of success. Achievers know there is a price to be paid. And they are willing to sacrifice, struggle and hard work without any guarantee of success in order to realize all their dreams.

2. Benefit from All That Will Help You Achieving Your Objectives

Successful people are constantly looking for what could be used to gain advantage. They look forward to be able to position itself in the best spot when the opportunity arises. Start thinking ahead. By thinking and planning ahead, you will be assigned the advantage in the competition.

3. Your Attitude Determines Your Position

Your attitude is your mindset. The way you see everything. Are you more focused on the possibilities or challenges. Positive thinking does not guarantee success. However, with positive thoughts, your chances of success are much greater.

4. Effectively the law of averages For You

The more often you fail, the greater your chance of eventual success. You could even frustrate yourself so that you are successful. Because every time it fails, you gain experience.

5. Believe In Yourself and You Can Believe Your Dream Achieved

If you believe something is possible and are willing to do anything, for anything that is needed to complete it, success is only a matter of time. You can increase your self-confidence through the books you read, the CD that you listen to, and the people with whom you are dealing. If you put good things in mind, you will become stronger and more confident in yourself.

6. Use the Power of your choosing

Whatever the situation, you have the power to choose how to react. You have the power to choose who you will relate, what would you do with your spare time, what book would you read, what action will you take in the next five minutes to bring you closer to the goal. Your dreams are there to be realized. Are you going to create an extraordinary life? It is your choice.

7. Think of things that Empower

What do you think determines what you do. What do you think will continuously determine your final position. That is why in touch with people who think the same is extremely important. By creating a dream team and regular contact with them, you will prepare yourself for success with the help of peer-pressure (peer pressure) were positive.

8. Believe That There are means from All  of Your Experience

Learn to see the bright light behind every rain cloud. Each lesson contains a great challenge. The Challenge is intended to slow us down so that we have enough time to learn a variety of things we need to learn the way toward our dreams.

9. Focus All of Your Efforts

Know what's most important to you and focus all of your efforts to achieve it. If you focus all efforts on one goal, you are almost certain probability of success. If you divide focus on two objectives, the probability of success you get down to 66%. If you have three goals, the probability of success of 25% of your stay. High achievers focused on one goal. Once grabbed, they move on to the next destination.

10. How to Be Confident

The confidence emerges from preparations. Self-confidence can not be faked. The confidence arises from practice a skill to master it. Once mastered a skill, you also feel confident. Once mastered your field, you will feel confident. With confidence, you can begin to achieve things that you never imagined.

11. Get rid of Negative Early

The biggest challenge on the road to success is mastering yourself. Whatever you are doing, there will always be a moment where you doubt yourself, experiencing inner conflict, and want to do things that will hinder you achieve the goal. Keep asking yourself, "What's next I can do now to get closer to my goal?"

12. Take Control of Your Own Life

You control all of your decisions. Whenever giving control to someone else, you cease to be master of your own destiny. Each time take personal responsibility for your own actions, you maintain control. Take your responsibility and will take the helm of your own ship life. You decide what will happen.

13. Learn from Others to Create situation Equally Beneficial

Building the skills of dealing with people is very important, because it is through other people you can achieve far more than by his own efforts. Pandailah showing others how they can actually benefit by joining with you. Learn the leadership skills so that you can invite people to help you achieve a mission in life.

14. Develop Courage For Success

Courage means being bigger than our circumstances. Courage does not mean there is no fear. Courage means acting in spite of fear. To be successful in life, you need two kinds of courage: the courage to act and the courage to persevere. The courage to act arises from faith in yourself. The courage to persevere arises from the desire to succeed.

15. step by step, success was easy. Meter-by-meter, Success is Hard

There is no such thing as lightning success. You have to build a foundation from day to day for a very, very long time. You must reap many personal victories before experienced public victories. The house was built with one brick at a time. A football match was won with one game each time. Business built with one customer at a time. Every great achievement is the result of many smaller achievement.

16. Learn from Your Mistakes and Position Yourself to Win

Opportunities come and go. Life has cycles come and go like the waves of the sea. When exceptional waves, surfers are not wasting precious energy to feel disappointed. He learns from mistakes, make adjustments, and position itself to take advantage of the next wave as well as possible. Be a surfer opportunity. Put yourself in position to win.

17. How Much Do You Want Your Dream?

How much do you want something will determine whether you will get it. If your desire is big enough, no one will stop you and you will find a way. Desire gives you the power to pay the price of success. You can build, enhance, and maintain the desire to imagine clearly desire it, using affirmations correctly, and connect with like-minded people together.

18. Do Something, which you Enjoy

Find the field that suits you. Do something you enjoy. Do something that you want to do without being paid. Life is too short to be used to do other things. If you love your job, you will definitely succeed.

19. How to Multiply Your Income

Take the average annual income of five people with whom you most frequently spend time, then you get your annual income. Ninety percent of success is determined by who you associate with. Why is that? Because of the way successful people think differently than people do not succeed, and you become like those with whom you are dealing. If you want to double the revenue, start hanging out with people income two times greater than you.

20. Reach for the Gold Medal!

High achievers are not satisfied with the quality of the medium. They do not want to be number two. They are not content just like the way others did before them. The winners always want to raise the standard. They want to excel and want whatever they are doing is number one. They go further. They do unusual effort to live a mundane task. Focus on doing anything with perfection, and you will build a reputation that will take you to the top.

21. Expect the Best

If you believe something is possible and you behave in that belief, the world will conspire to realize dreams, plans, and your dreams. Sooner or later, those who win are those who feel they can win.

22. Duplicate Fate failure and you will Doubling Your Success

Successful people accept failure as part of life and decided to take advantage of the best possible failure. They see each setback as a lesson to be applied on the way to success. They understand that failure is just part of the process and that to avoid a temporary failure will result in permanent failure.

23. Where Have Hope for the Future, You Have the Power of the Current

Hope makes you able to see the invisible and achieve the impossible. Napoleon said that the number one task of a leader is to his expectations. When have expectations, people will fight for their dreams. When losing hope, they retreated. Surround yourself with people who encourage - people who would instill hope and confidence in yourself so you can be who you are maximized.

24. Go While You Fear

If you are in doubt because of fear, fear it will grow. If gamely you do what you fear, the fear would be gone. Because fear is just a state of mind. Fear is just camouflage. Do not let fear control you. Destroy fear by acts of bravery. Being brave means to act in spite of fear. Acting like a coward running away from fear. Which do you want? Be bold or be a coward? You are decisive.

25. You Must Planting Before Reaping

You have to plant the seeds before they can reap. The more you grow, the more you reap. If planting a grain of wheat, you will reap a pint of wheat. If planting a pint, you will reap five liters. That you reap is always more than you plant. Do not judge each day by panena that you reap but by the seeds that you plant.

26. Always Set Goals

The meaning of the purpose is to focus our attention and give us direction. Before having a clear direction, never mind looking for answers. When you have a clear goal, the miracle happened. You begin to receive a variety of ideas and thoughts that bring you to the destination. Aimless life was boring. A life full of purpose is an adventure.Write your goal every morning before doing anything else. It is an act of commitment that became the foundation of a productive day.

27. Commit to Sustainable Personal Development

The most successful people in any field is the one who is constantly learning. They regularly read books, listen to audio self-development program, and attend seminars. They understand the rules 'slight edge' (or 'slim advantage'). If you learn and apply new ideas to give a little advantage, they can win the competition. If read for 15-30 minutes a day and listen to the audio porgram once a week on the way to work, soon you will be an expert in your field. Invest in yourself, then you will begin to make more money and grow your business.

28. Your habit will develop or Destroy You

Your habits will bring you to success or failure. That is why in touch with the winners and read the right books is important. You would like the people with whom you are dealing. You take their habits. And habits determine the outcome.

29. How to Be Happy

You can not pursue happiness. Happiness is a byproduct of the three quality of the relationship, the level of control you feel you have in life, as well as the use of blessings and your potential in pursuit of a goal or a dream that is worth.If you want to be happy, try to improve relations with the most important people in your life, and pursue dreams with your whole body and soul.

30. Honesty was Very Profitable

Narrow-minded people do not understand that every action has a consequence. Good deeds will be rewarded and evil deeds will be punished. Better to fail with honor than succeed dishonest.

31. race

All in this life such as race, full of ups and downs and ups and downs. And the only thing you have to do to win is rise each time falling. And when the depression and despair, shouted in front of me, another voice inside me said, "Get up and win the race!"

32. Arise from the Downturn

People in slum areas have one thing in common. They all experienced a great challenge to make them give up in life, and they are eager to tell you the situation that conquered them. They constantly nurture their fears.When collapsed, successful people react in different ways. They bounce back, learn, forget the circumstances that have made them worse, and walk forward.

33. Be a Person of Action

Focus on what you can do NOW!Do not wait until the situation becomes perfect. Done is better than perfect.The idea of ​​course is of no use. Ideas that are conducted priceless.If you act now and face the fear, the fear will disappear.Do not wait until you feel like doing something. Immediate action will make you want to take more action.Do not waste time preparing to do something. Immediately start.

34. You Will Be Who You In Your Mind

You get decent treatment that you think you have received because other people see in you what you see in yourself. If you feel inferior, you will be lower, and others will treat you that way.The way you think determines the way you act, and how you act determines how others react to you. The greater your respect for yourself, the greater the respect of others to you.

35. How to Build Confidence

Think positive things only.Replace negative thoughts with positive thoughtsWalk faster. Walk with purpose.Stand with aplomb: head high, shoulders straight, stomach entrance.Face-to-person in the eyes and smile.Introduce yourself to others. Do not wait for them to introduce themselves to you.Speak your mind.

36. Do not Make a Reason

Successful people do not make excuses. If you can find the reason, they did not. The reason is an alibi that helps people save face when they do not deliver the results should be. Nobody wants to hear your reasons. They just wanted to know what would you do to get the results you should achieve.

37. Confidence Gives You Confidence To Act

Confidence is the first step towards success. Even simply believe is already a good thing. Once you are confident, you can begin to figure out "how to" achieve your goals.False chimera had no power. Your beliefs you know "how I will do it". When unsure, you attract people who will help because they suddenly believe in you. Confidence will determine what you achieve in life.

38. Falling in Love is In Process

"At the age of fifteen, I had a clear vision of winning the contest Mr. Universe and is driven by the thought. You could say it was very spiritual, because I was so sure on that path, the road, so I never hesitated to be able to make it happen. "Moved by his vision became Mr. Universe, Arnold Schwarzenegger was practicing five hours a day, enjoying every minute of it, because he felt every time he goes to the gym, he is one step closer to his goal to win the competition. At age 20, he became the youngest man to win the title of Mr. Universe.

39. Take advantage of opportunities

The opportunity was like a wave. You should start paddling to catch it, otherwise you will miss. Winners do not hesitate. They jumped, knowing that there would be a net.

40. Choose the Right Field For you.

You will be successful so find a field that suits you. A field in which you can excel. Most people playing in the wrong fields. Unwittingly, they connect themselves with work, relationships, or relationships that bad. If it is a portrayal of yourself, you need to break free. You need to break the chains that hold you back and start playing in a field designed for you.

41. Partner with People Important To Achieve Your Dreams

Never let a lack of knowledge or resources hinder your pursuit of a dream. Look for important people that you can make partner, the person who has the skills and resources you need to walk forward. 

42. Your Attitude Determines Your altitude

A study of successful people have proved that the role attitude of success is 80%, while natural ability is only 20%.Is that attitude? Attitude means thinking like a winner. Hoping to win. Willing to pay the price. Decided to make it happen. Believe you can do it. Positive hopeless. Attitude is the confidence that is paired with a strong work ethic.

43. Begin to Make More Decisions

Leaders make decisions - all the time. Followers make suggestions. Make a suggestion was easy because it does not involve any action or fear of failure. Make the decision was difficult. It requires courage because there is always something at stake.Begin to make more decisions. Begin to do more. The more you do, the more stable your leadership, and the more you go forth, both personally and professionally.44. Persistence Finally FruitfulAt the age of 21 years, his business failed.At age 22, he lost the election State Legislature.At the age of 23 years, both businesses fail.At age 25, his girlfriend died.At age 26 years, he suffered from severe depression.At age 28, he lost the Congressional elections.At the age of 30 years, he lost another election.At the age of 33 years, he lost again in another election.At the age of 38, he lost the Congressional elections.At age 45, he lost the election for the Senate.At age 46, he lost in the election of the vice president.At age 49, he lost the election for the Senate.At age 50, he was elected President of the United States.

Life difficult and failure to assist Abraham Lincoln is tough enough to lead the United States during the Civil War.If you are undergoing various difficulties in life, you are being prepared for an important purpose and great.

45. Quick Tips For Success

1. Do not be afraid of competition. Respect them.2. The harder you work, the more you are lucky.3. Pay attention to detail.4. Know yourself. Use your power.5. The hard work and effort will make amends.6. Be honest with yourself. Follow your heart.

46. ​​Do not Criticize Yourself

Looking back and seeing what might you have done differently is easy. Over to seek ways to improve performance, looking back does nothing. But do not waste time with self-criticism. Your results in the past based on your experience in the past. If you fail, use your new experience to get better results next time.

47. Prepare To Win

Set the view to one goal, but instead focus on preparation - on what you should do - and think to achieve your goal was. The victory is a byproduct of preparation and effort. Focus on preparation and effort and your results will take care of itself.

48. Always Playing with Max

What is important is the total effort. As long as you do your best, there's no shame. Whether in work, community, or private life, always do your best. You can not control the situation so that you become better than others. However, you can control your effort to do your best. Personal success emerged from total business. If you do not do your best, you have foiled yourself.

49. Change Failure

If, in the heart, you know have done their best, there is no such thing as failure. That is why the maximum effort is very important. You always win when a maximum effort.

50. Have a Habit of Acting - Perform Large Action 

You have what it takes to win big in life. You just need to act. Great acting. That's what successful people do. They find out where they want to be and then jump into the arena as well as acting. Along the way, they constantly develop themselves to become increasingly proficient. What is your dream? Are you ready to win the gold medal? Are you ready to take action and make your life an adventure?

Source: Secrets of Become a Successful People , bouquet Ruben Gonzalez. Ruben Gonzalez was an Olympic athlete and a peak performance expert.

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