According to research by Dr. Zhimin Xu, of Louisiana State University, United States, a spoonful of black rice contains more anti-oxidants anthocyanins compared with a spoonful of blueberries, with a lower sugar content, more fibrous and contains vitamin E.
According to Dr. Xu like fruits, black rice contains anthocyanin antioxidants, substances that can cope with heart disease, cancer and other diseases.
Besides the black rice is also considered to boost the immune system, repair damaged liver cells, preventing impaired kidney function and prevent cancer or tumor.
Antioxidants can also slow aging, cleans the cholesterol in the blood and prevent anemia.
Black rice known low-carb, but contains 10 times the fiber of white rice.
Research Min Xia and colleagues from the Department of Clinical Nutrition, School of Public, Guangzhou China published in The Journal of Nutrition, reported the black rice can reduce the risk of heart disease by reducing the amount of bad fats in the blood and plaque in blood vessels.
Min mention black rice contains phytochemical compounds, such as polivenol, isoflavones and anthcyanidins. The compounds are effective in reducing fat in the blood and affect the formation of lipoproteins.
Because of that, the black rice is likely to be a preventive treatment of atherosclerosis, stroke, and coronary heart disease.
Are you looking for a delicious alternative to brown rice? It feels more sweet, very tasty. No wonder if the black rice could captivate anyone who wants to live a healthy life without eating white rice.In addition to good taste, black rice has some unique health benefits. Here is how to understand the health benefits of black rice as reported by The black rice, rice is a heritage that is cultivated in Asia, who've grown as a food shall be for the emperor. As the name implies, black rice appears black when raw, but when cooked it turned dark purple. The color alone is invite curiosity to eat. But even if purple is not your favorite color, this rice arranging exciting to eat because they contain health benefits.2.
The black rice getting dark colors for their flavonoid pigments known
as anthocyanins, plant pigments with powerful antioxidant properties. Anthocyanins
are the same pigments that give many dark red and purple fruits such as
blackberries, dark cherries, and raspberries are rich in color and
health benefits. Anthocyanins
are being studied for their role in preventing many chronic diseases
including cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer's disease. Most of the benefits obtained due to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds.3.
A study published in the Journal of Nutrition in 2008 showed that
extracts from black rice when tested on rats help prevent the
development of atherosclerotic plaque in the major arteries of the
heart, the kind that will eventually lead to a heart attack. It also lowered lipid components including triglycerides. In fact, black rice extract was found as strong as prescription drug simvastatin, a drug used to lower cholesterol levels. This effect arises from the anthocyanins that are so abundant in the black rice. Due to the nature of anti-inflammatory and cholesterol of the
anthocyanins found in black rice, whole grains can help to ward off
heart attacks.4.
The black rice is a good source of minerals, including iron, and fiber
and have a nutritional profile somewhat similar to brown rice. The presence of anthocyanins give nutritional advantages compared to brown rice.5.
In essence, black rice, with its delicious taste, become an alternative
to white rice is less nutritious and provide a healthy alternative to
red rice. Black rice prices may be slightly more expensive than brown rice, but the price you pay is certainly not in vain.
Also read this high antioxidant herbal
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